Whether you know the exact goal you want to achieve or you just want to know where to move or relocate for any life reason, it is fair to say that astrology is everywhere and can solve all your doubts regarding your upcoming or planned relocation.
If you’re ready to make that important decision based on your next travel or move to the next level, you might want to consider Astrocartography. Also called locational astrology or astrogeography, it involves using your natal or birth chart, a type of map that shows where the sun, moon, and planets were positioned on the zodiac wheel during your birth, to create a map of the world.
I can draw this map up for your convenience. It is unique to each person and can feature up to 90 lines crisscrossing longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates from north to south and east to west. I will interpret your map and tell you if you eventually live in a draining city which is limiting your possibilities or just in an inauspicious place. I will tell you where you should travel or relocate based on the good planets’ conjunctions and the so-called Parans.
As an expert with more than 20 years in astrology and Astrocartography I will tell you the significance of each line, which is based on what planet the line itself represents and where it’s positioned. If a certain line crosses over a certain city, it’s meant to illustrate a place of potential significance — whether it’s positive or negative depends on which planetary line it is.
Career, Love, Health, Family, Job, Wealth… whatever you want to know, change or achieve, with Astrocartography you can have the whole world in your hand.
You don’t just have to be looking to make a big move to use Astrocartography. If you’re planning your next vacation or even just curious about your geographical sweet spots, it might be worth it to have Mirostars decipher your Astrocartography map.
Ready for the big change? Or even just the best vacation of your life?